Seek First

November 2, 2019

We all know Matthew 6:33, “but seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. We have read it, memorized it, spoken it, put it on plaques and even believed it at times. What we need to do with Matthew 6:33 is to live it. We will start out by defining the word FIRST:
First (Adjective): Being before all others with respect to time, order, rank, importance, etc., used as the ordinal number of one: the first edition; the first vice president.
First (Adverb): 1. Before all others or anything else in time, order, rank, etc. 2. Before some other thing, event, etc.: If you’re going, phone first.
First (Noun): 1. The person or thing that is first in time, order, rank, etc. 2. The beginning;

3. The first part; first member of a series.
(Greek) Proton: 1. firstly in time, place, order, or importance 2. A stable, positively charged subatomic particle in the baryon family having a mass 1,835 times that of the electron.

As you can clearly see, first means first.

Too many of us seek God at a deeper level when we have a need. We spend time with God and His word
because we are sick; we need our rent paid or some other reason. We are to seek God first, because we
love Him, being before all others, not because we need something from him.

Anytime is a good time to ramp up our seeking of God. However, one of the best times is when we are not pressed with a great need. We are then able to come to Him because we love him.

The time I enjoy most with my wife or my children is when there is no purpose or task that needs to be accomplished. We are together because we love one another and enjoy being with each other. It is very rare that I do not pour out a blessing on them during these times. I will meet their need if they come to me with it. I love them and I want to do wonderful things for them.

God is the same way. To walk in the fullness that is available to us, we need to spend time with Him simply because we love Him. All the things are automatically added if we seek first the Kingdom. Our King is always within His Kingdom; so, seeking the Kingdom always puts us in the middle of the King’s business.

Pray this today

Lord you are able to make all grace abound towards us. We need to above all else make you first in our life for first sake. Not for the benefits, they will come. We love you Lord with all of our heart, soul, and
mind. We are consumed with you Lord as we seek first your Kingdom!

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