Seek First

Seek First

We all know Matthew 6:33, “but seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. We have read it, memorized it, spoken it, put it on plaques and even believed it at times. What we need to do with Matthew 6:33 is to...
Pick Your Measure

Pick Your Measure

When the blessings are being passed out, what size do you want yours to come in? God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, has left that decision up to you. We all get to choose what measure our blessings come in. Luke 6:38 shows us that the same measure that we use will...
Dealing with Lack

Dealing with Lack

Are you dealing with lack in your life? If so, are you dealing with it as you would deal with any other attack? If a temptation to rob a bank came into our life, we would resist the devil, rebuke him to his face, laugh at him, and tell him to get back in his cage. We...
Forgiveness – Able to Be Creative

Forgiveness – Able to Be Creative

They say today that we are what we eat. However, a greater truth is that we are what we think. The Bible tells us that even as a man thinks so is he. If we are what we think (and we are), then our thoughts should be wisely guided and greatly protected. One of the...
Forgiveness – What’s Your Choice?

Forgiveness – What’s Your Choice?

Tim was a great kid. He grew up in a middle-class family with his brothers and sisters. He had a loving dad and mom. At 16, Tim was well liked and popular in school. He achieved good grades, was a leader in his class and was involved in many activities. One day Tim...


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